The Bonds of Friendship


If set on a firm foundation it is never wavering and always sturdy.
We come from different ethnicity's, upbringings and religions.
Some raised by parents,grandmas and grandpas, aunts, uncles or
others that care enough about a child's life to love them and lead them.
We have different ideas,talents and gifts from our Heavenly Father,
each uniquely chosen for a reason. We find each other in ways that are
often highly unlikely and seem truly coincidental. We tell each other
our secrets our dreams our triumphs and our failures. We trust that we
will be true and honest with one another, never truly forgetting the bond
we have. We give each other hope, encouragement and love. We are always
protecting the other, regardless of the circumstances. We respect and
uplift one another in trying times. We vow as a pack to always choose the
right when faced with adversity. We are as unique together as we are apart.
We are perfect in every way imaginable each one making a positive impression
on the other. We are a completed puzzle all finished and glued together
for life. We are best friends that will have a bond forever.


You are my friend, my buddy my light. You make me laugh until my
stomach curls up, and you let me cry on your shoulder when I feel alone.
You are my friend because of who you are inside. A true find a true pearl
in an ocean full of chaos. I chose you and you chose me. I'm almost sure that
I knew you once upon a time, loving you then as I love you now.
We are blessed to be sharing this life together at the exact same moment
and in the exact same place.

Coincidental you say? Well I say no, not by any means
this was planned this was meant to be this proves once again that I am loved, I am a child of God.


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