Sick or Faker?

Scott's been getting his own little bit of attention lately. Today we had a super rainy cold morning and he "felt sick." Of course every mother knows if her child is ACTUALLY sick or "sick". I had to laugh because earlier I had caught him sneaking a cookie from the pantry and then as fast as he could he ran back up to his room.......... Needless to say, I could see that sometimes we forget that our kids need a break too. We all take our sick days from work (sometimes maybe for real and sometimes maybe not so real) So today me and my Buddy took some time just the two of us!

This was before I told him it was ok he could stay home and didn't need to pretend he was sick. (such a good actor)

Hot chocolate makes the world just a little better

Especially when it gets all over your face (nice nose shot buddy)

Even better.... Football!

Sometimes we all need to rest our minds with a little hot chocolate and Football in the rain!

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